About Us

Our passion is the equine industry and we are excited about using our years of experience to help you make your dream property become a reality.

Active Equine Solutions is a business designed to provide a complete service to the horse industry. We offer solutions for the commercial breeding and racing industry as well as helping with the development of smaller lifestyle properties. We are committed to providing a practical, effective plan for your property with a high level of service. 


My extensive experience in the equine industry gives me a unique, practical viewpoint when it comes to effectively planning your farm. I am able to utilize skills developed in the areas of mechanical engineering, construction, electrical, fencing and irrigation and applying it to the specific needs of the equine industry. This allows me to develop a functional and effective, whole master plan for your specific farm requirements.

  • Mechanical engineering and electrical background.
  • Extensive understanding of building and design requirements for the efficient running of your property.
  • Successfully designed and supervised construction of several equine facilities.
  • Wide network of contacts in the equine industry to assist your farm.
  • Worked at a wide range of horse properties as an employee, developing a great understanding of all issues facing the equine industry.
  • Pasture improvement and irrigation systems.
  • Stallion and horse management expertise.


  • Completed Horse Management Assoc. Dip. at University of New England, Orange Campus (Academic medal).
  • VITAL Assessors Certificate.
  • Taught Equine Nursing, Foaling, Equine Management and Genetics at NSW TAFE, Scone and Yallah Campus.
  • Trained and worked in intensive veterinary care facilities.
  • Specialised in foaling and broodmare care.
  • Skills in staff development, training and planning.
  • Extensive knowledge of equine health care and feeding requirements.
  • Experienced in spelling and rehabilitation programs for the racing industry.
  • Worked in the horse transport industry.